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Policewatch Films

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Bash the Rich: Fight the FIT

Bash the Rich: Fight the FIT
Meet 11:30, Bar area of Royal Festival Hall to discuss tactics and actions.

Forward Intelligence Teams (FIT) will be out in force for this one and wewill be there to greet them.

Whilst we allow the FIT teams to film and follow; stop and search; controland coral, we will not have successful public actions. When we start refusing and resisting, we will start to win.
This is a call from FIT Watch activists to join us on 3rd and show the FIT Teams we will oppose their intimidatory tactics.


Anonymous said...

Fitwatch, discovering your page has made my weekend! Nay, my year. More power to your pics.

Anonymous said...

I noted two FIT threesomes in operation today:

Sergeant ZD4 and ZD37
Sergeant SX32 and DM73

Photos to follow..

Unknown said...

The best photos I could get of them can be found here:

Feel free to use the pictures in anyway that helps the Fitwatch cause.


Friend of Jocasta

Kris Alienz Experience said...

I am a journalist trying to get in touch with Val Swain and/or Emily Apple. I have interviewed Dan Glass and written about police trying to recruit informants from within Plane Stupid. Can you help?